Password Management Across Multiple Mobile Devices

Password Management Across Multiple Mobile Devices

Password Management Across Multiple Mobile Devices

Simple Pass is a cloud-based mobile solution for password management with a goal of easily managing password and sensitive informations across different mobile devices.

Simple Pass is a cloud-based mobile solution for password management with a goal of easily managing password and sensitive informations across different mobile devices.

Simple Pass is a cloud-based mobile solution for password management with a goal of easily managing password and sensitive informations across different mobile devices.

Project Status: Live


Simple Pass


Lead Product Designer

Quality Assurance (QA)

Skills Applied

Product Design

Product Management







A couple of months ago, my mobile device was stolen. It had on it a Google 2-Factor Authentication Application, which gives or allows me access to my social media accounts. I was only able to retrieve them except that of my community #thedesignershb.

A couple of months ago, my mobile device was stolen. It had on it a Google 2-Factor Authentication Application, which gives or allows me access to my social media accounts. I was only able to retrieve them except that of my community #thedesignershb.

Problem Discovery

Problem Discovery

At the time, the Google 2-factor application was not cloud-based, i.e., if a device is missing, the information on the application is lost, and because of this, I lost access to the codes for my community account.

This gave birth to the idea of designing a cloud-based password manager. 

At the time, the Google 2-factor application was not cloud-based, i.e., if a device is missing, the information on the application is lost, and because of this, I lost access to the codes for my community account.

This gave birth to the idea of designing a cloud-based password manager. 

User Onboarding

User Onboarding

User Onboarding

The goal is to make password management stress-free and easy for everyone thereby leading to design and creation of simplified and intuitive onboarding UI Mobile screens

The goal is to make password management stress-free and easy for everyone thereby leading to design and creation of simplified and intuitive onboarding UI Mobile screens

Adding a Password

Adding a Password

Adding a Password

The user friendly interface guides the user through the process step-by-step, making it simple to securely store their login information. With the ability to add tags to each password, users can easily organise and categorise their passwords for quick and easy access.

Adding a password is quick and easy.

The user friendly interface guides the user through the process step-by-step, making it simple to securely store their login information. With the ability to add tags to each password, users can easily organise and categorise their passwords for quick and easy access.

Adding a password is quick and easy.

Creating a Unique Password

Creating a Unique Password

Creating a Unique Password

Users can customise the length and complexity of each password to fit their specific needs thereby helping them to generate secure passwords for their online accounts.

Overall, the goal is to help users feel confident about their online security and make password management as easy as possible

Users can customise the length and complexity of each password to fit their specific needs thereby helping them to generate secure passwords for their online accounts.

Overall, the goal is to help users feel confident about their online security and make password management as easy as possible

Management and Customisation

Management and Customisation

Management and Customisation

Simple Pass offers customisation features like the dark mode feature and extra layers of security which includes the Lock Simple Simple Pass App Feature alongside the number of devices allowed to access the application.

Users also get to change and rest their master emails and passwords, allow or deny screenshots of the simple pass app and finally enable or disable biometrics.

Simple Pass offers customisation features like the dark mode feature and extra layers of security which includes the Lock Simple Simple Pass App Feature alongside the number of devices allowed to access the application.

Users also get to change and rest their master emails and passwords, allow or deny screenshots of the simple pass app and finally enable or disable biometrics.

Part 2

Product Documentation

Product Documentation

Research and Understanding The Problem

Research and Understanding The Problem

Being a victim of the problem, I had a first-hand experience of the problem. Secondary research was also used/leveraged on to get more understanding and insights. Listed below are some of my findings:

  • Password theft in general is on the rise.

  • Most password managers are mobile-based. This finding affirmed the decision of coming up with a mobile based solution.

  • The use of a digital password manager helps in reducing the risk of online security threats.

  • Password Autofill comes with its manageable risks. The benefits include protection against Clickjacking and Keystroke Loggers. Clickjacking is an attack that fools users into thinking they are clicking on one thing when in truth they are actually clicking on another while Keystroke Loggers are tools that record what a person types on a device.

Being a victim of the problem, I had a first-hand experience of the problem. Secondary research was also used/leveraged on to get more understanding and insights. Listed below are some of my findings:

  • Password theft in general is on the rise.

  • Most password managers are mobile-based. This finding affirmed the decision of coming up with a mobile based solution.

  • The use of a digital password manager helps in reducing the risk of online security threats.

  • Password Autofill comes with its manageable risks. The benefits include protection against Clickjacking and Keystroke Loggers. Clickjacking is an attack that fools users into thinking they are clicking on one thing when in truth they are actually clicking on another while Keystroke Loggers are tools that record what a person types on a device.

Problem Definition and Unique Value Proposition

Problem Definition and Unique Value Proposition

As a product looking to solve password management issues, the following goals were identified, defined, and followed.

  • Providing easy password management interfaces to aid stress free adoption of Simple Pass

  • Enabling easy password management across multiple mobile devices.

Unique Value Proposition — Multi-Device Password Management

Using the goals stated, the following are the features generated:

  • Password Generator

  • Password Import and Export

  • Password Strength Analyser 

  • 2-FA Code Feature

All of these features were good, but we had to prioritise in order to roll out an MVP, after which extra features will be added. We used a prioritisation framework known as “MoSCow Prioritisation” which stands for Must have, Should have, Could have, and Con’t have. 

As a product looking to solve password management issues, the following goals were identified, defined, and followed.

  • Providing easy password management interfaces to aid stress free adoption of Simple Pass

  • Enabling easy password management across multiple mobile devices.

Unique Value Proposition — Multi-Device Password Management

Using the goals stated, the following are the features generated:

  • Password Generator

  • Password Import and Export

  • Password Strength Analyser 

  • 2-FA Code Feature

All of these features were good, but we had to prioritise in order to roll out an MVP, after which extra features will be added. We used a prioritisation framework known as “MoSCow Prioritisation” which stands for Must have, Should have, Could have, and Con’t have. 

This feature prioritisation was not only created or arrived at by just our thoughts and decisions alone, we further prioritised based on the impact of these features using effort-based matrix which helped us visualise and decide the features or tasks to be focused on.

Most of the features listed below were successfully implemented and developed except 2 Factor Timer, Password Import & Export, Automatic Password Filling and Password Strength Analyzer.

This feature prioritisation was not only created or arrived at by just our thoughts and decisions alone, we further prioritised based on the impact of these features using effort-based matrix which helped us visualise and decide the features or tasks to be focused on.

Most of the features listed below were successfully implemented and developed except 2 Factor Timer, Password Import & Export, Automatic Password Filling and Password Strength Analyzer.

Userflow which led to interface design

Userflow which led to interface design

Keeping in mind the product goal and Unique Value Proposition which are stated below, a userflow was crafted. The navigation and interface were carefully crafted and designed to meet those goals.

  • Providing easy password management interfaces to aid stress free adoption of Simple Pass

  • Enabling easy password management across multiple mobile devices.

Keeping in mind the product goal and Unique Value Proposition which are stated below, a userflow was crafted. The navigation and interface were carefully crafted and designed to meet those goals.

  • Providing easy password management interfaces to aid stress free adoption of Simple Pass

  • Enabling easy password management across multiple mobile devices.

Prototype Test and Key-Takeaway

Prototype Test and Key-Takeaway

Designing a digital product is only art but solving a problem using digital means is the bedrock of User Interface and User Experience Design. An initial test was carried out to validate the assumptions about the user journey’s and UI’s created/designed.

The tests conducted focused on the various user journey’s that existed at the time of the design.

Not much insights were gotten as it was more of a process to validate the good and intuitive work by the design team. 

Further tests and designs are being carried out.

Designing a digital product is only art but solving a problem using digital means is the bedrock of User Interface and User Experience Design. An initial test was carried out to validate the assumptions about the user journey’s and UI’s created/designed.

The tests conducted focused on the various user journey’s that existed at the time of the design.

Not much insights were gotten as it was more of a process to validate the good and intuitive work by the design team. 

Further tests and designs are being carried out.

Project Reviews

Project Reviews

Project Reviews

Jeremiah has shown what top notch communication looks like and there’s alot to learn from. His work has been amazing. His communication skills are top notch and he gives 110% everytime

Abisoye Oke-Lawal

Abisoye Oke-Lawal

Senior Front-end Engineer at Homie Inc

Senior Front-end Engineer at Homie Inc

Thank you for reading 🤩

Thank you for reading 🤩

Thank you for reading 🤩


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Designed with ❤️ and Build with ✨

2023 Jeremiah Folorunso.